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Residential payments

Complete the form below and enter your payment details via the checkout at the end to make your residential deposit payment. Need help completing this form? Contact 01603 731288 or

Which type of accommodation are you applying for?*
Who do you normally live with?
Next of kin 1
Next of kin 2
Do you have a learning difficulty or require additional learning support?*
Do you have any visual or hearing impairments?*
Do you have any religious or cultural needs?*
Do you have any personal management/high care needs?*
Do you have mobility issues or a clinical need for ground floor accommodation?*
Do you have a repeat prescription for any of the following?
Do you have any dietary requirements?*
Have you been diagnosed with any of the following medical conditions?
Do any of the above require you to have regular doctor appointments?*
Have you experienced seizures or blackouts in the last 2 years?*
Have you been vaccinated against tetanus?*
Tick any of the following that apply to you

By submitting your information you agree that CCN HE will store and process your details for the purpose of fulfilling your request. You can find out more in our privacy policy.

We were awarded a TEF Silver rating overall in 2023, achieving this for both student experience and student outcomes.

  • Education & Skills Funding Agency
  • Mindful Employer
  • Disablity Confident Employer
  • European Union Social Fund

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