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Become a HE
Student Rep

A student in a classroom, looking towards the front.

Your voice as a Higher Education student is important to us and there are a number of ways that you can let us know what’s working or not working for you as a student.

All of our courses have a student representative for each year. This student represents your views at Course Committees.

Course Committees take place three times a year and are attended by:

  • The Head of Higher Education or the Assistant Principal for Higher Education and Adults
  • The Higher Education Curriculum Lead for that course
  • The course delivery team
  • Employers involved in the programme
  • UEA representatives

Your experience shapes these meetings, and your course rep will feed this back to the meeting. From this feedback there will be specific actions to improve your experience. Course teams track this feedback through the ‘You Said, We Did’ areas you will be given access to on our intranet course pages.

For example, our students requested improved accessibility for one of our buildings, so we introduced a colour-coded system to each floor to make it easier to navigate.

Training for student reps is provided by our Higher Education Leadership team supported by our Students’ Union.

Students' Union

Four Higher Education students are chatting outside Norfolk House, on benches.

Our Students’ Union is here to support you as a student whether you have any concerns or just need to have a chat.

The Students’ Union encourages all students to take advantage of the opportunities created, such as events, clubs and societies so you can meet new like-minded people and have an enriching time at college beyond studying. 

The Students’ Union can also help you access a range of advice and guidance and is always open to suggestions of how we as a college can do better.

As Higher Education students there are ways for you to get involved with the Students’ Union alongside the other Executive Officer and student representative positions. There is an opportunity for two Higher Education Officers in the Students’ Union, where you can represent your peers and put your ideas for Higher Education forwards.

My name is Freddie and I’m your Students' Union president. My goal is to help continually create a college environment where everybody feels safe and included and feels they can enjoy their time here as a student. I hope to drive positive change and be a part of shaping the college environment for the greater good. To do this I'm looking forward to working with those of you who would like to get involved in the union to make sure your voices are heard.

You can contact me at You can also get in touch by calling 01603 773077. You can contact the Students’ Union by emailing

Student discounts
and offers

As a student you are eligible to get lots of discounts either from the National Union of Students or Free apps. For more information on each, please visit the websites below:

We also have discounts specifically for our students in many businesses such as Clued-up Escape Rooms and H&Js. All of our discounts are listed under the “discounts” tab on the One College app, which you will be encouraged to download once you enrol at the college.

You can also apply for a free CitizenCard. Standard applications normally cost £15 online, however as a HE student with us you can apply for one for free. A CitizenCard is an official UK ID / proof of age card recognised as such by the Home Office and almost all UK retailers and public transport providers including UK airlines. For more details visit

We were awarded a TEF Silver rating overall in 2023, achieving this for both student experience and student outcomes.

  • Education & Skills Funding Agency
  • Mindful Employer
  • Disablity Confident Employer
  • European Union Social Fund

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