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Policies and

Course Information

  • Degree and Higher Education Prospectus -  Find out the information you require in our Degree and Higher Education Prospectus
  • HE Student Handbook -  The current student handbook gives you a set of key information that our current students are provided with
  • Course Fees and Eligibility Statement -  Learn about the fees you will be required to pay. More information on student finances is also available here
  • Student Protection Plan - Applicable to HE Students joining from September 2019, it covers the events and situations that have the potential to prevent a student from finishing their course, and the mitigation in place to keep the risk to students low. In the rare event that we are not able to preserve the delivery of courses the plan cross references to our Refund and Compensation policy, held within our Rules, Regulations and Procedures for Students (terms and conditions)



Access and Participation Plan


 Student Policies

Transparency Data - Office for Students

We were awarded a TEF Silver rating overall in 2023, achieving this for both student experience and student outcomes.

  • Education & Skills Funding Agency
  • Mindful Employer
  • Disablity Confident Employer
  • European Union Social Fund

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