Admission Statement and Procedure - The college's approach to managing admissions is detailed here
Admissions and Review - This procedure guides our approach to reviewing admissions related issues
Rules, Regulations and Procedures for Students (terms and conditions) - Understand the key rules and regulations that you will be asked to commit to when you become a CCN student. This includes details of our Refund and Compensation policy, and applies to all HE students
Norfolk Regulatory Framework (rules and regulations) - This document outlines the academic rules by which our Higher Education programmes are managed. Applies to all students commencing HE courses at Norwich prior to Academic Year 2021-22
College’s Ways of Working - The Ways of Working underpin the way our students and staff work together
Equality and Diversity Statement - As a college we are committed to Equality and Diversity and this document details those commitments
Refund and Compensation / within Rules, Regulations and Procedures for Students
Student Charter - Developed with our students, our HE Student Charter outlines our shared commitment to making your HE experience at the college a success
We were awarded a TEF Silver rating overall in 2023, achieving this for both student experience and student outcomes.
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